致尊敬的客户以及合作伙伴:To all valued clients and partners:
我們致力於為企業客戶提供專業的獵頭高端服務、BPO業務、本地人才就業解決方案等服務。The former Betconsult Headhunter Department has officially upgraded to UJOB International Consulting Inc. We are committed to provide services for customers with professional headhunting, BPO service and job solution for local talents etc.
1)致有人才征募计划的企业:To the enterprises with the talent recruitment plan concerned:
我们的愿景是成为您企业用人的第一道门槛,而这一道门槛则基于我们丰富的线上娱乐从业经历及我们为客户负责任的态度。一旦与我们合作,我们二十余人的专业猎顾团队将为您的企业持续提供优质的人才供应服务。優伯咨詢計劃用1年時間將服務轉化為互聯網產品覆蓋至全東南亞華人人才圈;計劃用2年時間為東南亞前三名華人人才服務商。在未來的5年內,將亞洲與歐洲人才和客戶進行鏈接,實現客戶和人才雙重價值優伯咨詢是所有華人人才及客戶的首選的人才服務商Our vision is to become the first examiner for the employer before they serve in your business, which is based on our extensive Online Gaming experience and responsible manner. Once you cooperate with us, we will provide a professional hunting team with more than ten people, continuously provide high-quality intellectual people supply services for your business. UJOB plans to turn our service into internet products covering Chinese Talents in Southeast Asia in the next 1 year, we plan to become the first three Chinese talents provider in Southeast Asia within 2 years, and in the 5 years, we aim to connect the talents with the enterprise in Asia and Europe, make the double winUJOB is the best option of talents provider for Chinese talents and enterprises!
我们的战略合作伙伴有日访问UV上万的博牛社区、菲工作以及伯招聘作为人才储备支持,我们的竞争力毋庸置疑。Our strategic partner's website(https://www.boniu8.com/、www.work.boniu365.comandhttp://www.zhaopiin365.co/has more than 10000 visitors per day which provide abundant database for working people in the Philippines. Clear to see, we are very competitive.
2)我们的人才服务优势:Talent Service advantages ofus:
----UJOB 的总部位于菲律宾,分部在广州以及台湾,本地及台湾,中国大陆市场资源雄厚;----UJOB headquartere is located in the Philippines, departments in Guangzhou of China Mainland and Taiwan, we have abundant resources in thelocal market;----UJOB 提供完整的人才服务流程,保障求职者拥有一份自己满意的职业发展规划;----Ujob provide complete personnel service process to provide the job seekers have a satistied career development plan;----UJOB 利用UJOB 旗下其他产品,拥有大量流量数据;--- UJOB use UJOB's other products produce a lot of traffic data;----UJOB 有雄厚的企业资源给求职者及各大企业提供一个理想的求职招聘平台。----UJOBhas sbundant business resources for job seekers and provide an ideal platform for job recruitment.----UJOB 针对中高端候选人,提供一对一的优质服务;----UJOB provide a biunique service for the candidates with higher position.---- UJOB 候选人构成:70% 中国大陆,15% 港澳台地区,和15%的马来西亚,越南,柬埔寨等其他区域。----UJOB candidates' composition: 70% from mainland China, 15% from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and 15%from other regionslike Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia.
如果您是企业并有人才合作需求,请联系我们的业务顾问If your company need intellectual employee, please contact our business consultant
QQ:3379506305email:[email protected]Phone:09959247330
合作企业 业务对接邮箱:[email protected]
pennyQQ:2871884890skype:+8613631287550email:[email protected]
cindyQQ:1626501897Skype:+8613822539200email:[email protected]
战略合作伙伴博咨询旗下产品:博咨询官网(www.betconsult.me)、博牛社区(https://www.boniu8.com/)、伯招聘(http://www.zhaopiin365.co/)Products of Betconsult : BetConsulting Website(www.betconsult.me), Blog communities(https://www.boniu8.com/), Recruiting Website(http://www.zhaopiin365.co/)
优伯国际咨询旗下产品:菲工作(www.work.boniu365.com)Products of Ujob :Job Philippines(www.work.boniu365.com);